
October 06, 2010

Coffee Processing

Primary Processing Coffee Beans

To obtain copies of rice processing is necessary. In essence the coffee processing there are only two ways.
-Dry Processing
-Wet Processing

Dry processing method

Processing method considering how dry a lot done if the capacity of small, easy to do, simple equipment and can be done in the farmhouse. Stages of coffee processing dry manner in order are: harvesting, sorting fruit, drying, stripping coffee, dried bean sorting, packaging and storage of coffee beans.

This method is very simple and often used for coffee robusta and arabica coffee is also 90% in Brazil, the coffee fruit has been harvested immediately dried fruit, especially ripe. Coffee fruit drying can be done in two ways: natural drying with the help of sunlight and artificial drying using a dryer.

Method for wet processing


Yields have moved as quickly as possible to the processing site to avoid direct heating which can cause damage (such as discoloration of fruit, coffee fruit to rot).


For the fermented coffee should be removed from the fruit flesh. Aims to separate from pulping coffee pulp. Consisting of fruit pulp and skin. Freshly picked coffee dipulp be on the same day, this was done for easier and cleaner too

The fermentation process aims to remove the slimy pulp (mucilage) which is still attached to the skin and horns on the washing process will be easily removed (separately) to facilitate the drying process. Pectin hydrolysis caused, by pektinase contained in fruit or the reaction can be accelerated with the help of microorganisms.


Aims to eliminate remaining mucus Laundering fermented horn attached to the skin. For small capacity, washing is done manually in a tub or bucket, while the large capacity needs to be assisted engine


Drying aims to reduce the water content of coffee beans from 60-65% to a maximum of 12.5%. Drying is done by drying, mechanical, and combination of both (Sihotang, 2008).

Hulling (Disposal of skin horn)

The release of seeds and skins horns there are two ways namely.

When the results are just a little coffee, simply pounded like pounding rice, the way this is usually done by farmers.

With a machine called a "mill", this method generally used by companies / large plantation. In this huller machine the seeds are released from the skin and epidermis horn, where the seeds and skin can be separated.


Sorting means to isolate rice coffee that has been peeled from the plane huller. It aims to classify (Notodimedjo, 1989):

The big and small coffee rice
The color
Broken / crushed
Powder and pests that get dirty.


Coffee fruit can be stored in the form of dry coffee cherries or dried parchment coffee fruit that requires the same storage conditions. KA coffee beans and water to 11% RH air was not more than 74%. In these conditions the growth of fungi (Aspergilus niger, A. oucharaceous, and Rhizopus sp) will be minimal. In Indonesia, coffee is already in the classification quality is stored in gunny sacks and zigzag stitched.
mouth with jute rope then stored in the warehouse.

Coffee Processing.
coffee processing in Indonesia originally processed traditionally.
Coffee that has been dried in the sun, dried and then fried in a skillet.
then after that pounded
with traditional mashed tools

Once separated from its shell, the beans are ready to enter into the roasting process.
This process directly to develop flavor and color of coffee beans. Physically, the changes seen from the drying of coffee seeds and seed weight reduction as a whole. Brown color of coffee beans will also be visible.

Good milling results in a sense,
aroma, and good looks.
This product should be included in an airtight container for no changes to the taste of coffee.


That was the first time how to processing a coffee,but for now day processing coffee more easy
there is much tools of coffee GRINDER

to smooth, from coffee beans into fine coffee

few of home coffee grinder


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